Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday at Church

Today has been a full day for the King Family. We all went to a local Haitian church. The girls went to children's church where 200 Haitain children were singing loudly and making a lot of noise they didn't understand. The had a friend with them to translate but it wasn't much help. The boys went with Lyn and I to the main service. Actually Lyn sat with the boys because I had to sit up front with the lead pastor. I gave the message in English and JeanJean (the lead pastor) translated.

The boys did pretty good, though it wasn't very exciting for them as well. However, they did enjoy the three choirs that sang. We didn't understand a word, but it was beautiful none the less. When I got up to speak I introduced Lyn and the boys. The interesting thing was that they translated my introduction of "This is my wife Lyn" to "This is Madam Pastor Joel". Lyn didn't mind, as they treated her like royalty :)
We came home for a casual lunch of peanut butter and honey on fresh baked bread. It was delicious. Then they kids played with the Mompremiere kids and we went to another church service where I taught again. It was fun to see the building which didn't even have a foundation a year ago completed and filled with twice the amount of people as last year.

This evening we watched the local boys take on another local town in a soccer game. They had the game to celebrate our gift of the nets to them last year. It makes a big difference.

The kids are having fun, and at times request to live here. Then they get hurt or tired and want to go home. Thank you for your prayers, I believe they are helping big time. Lots more to tell, but I'll save it for later . . .

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