Monday, February 24, 2014

We're Home!

Brittany and I have made it home!  We were both sad to leave Haiti. We enjoyed spending time with friends, making new ones, and seeing all that God is doing to transform the community around UCI.  The picture here is a bit blurry because it was taken at first light.  This is a small church gathering midweek to worship the Lord and thank Him for His blessings.  They started at least and hour before sun up and continued as the day dawned.  It was a special moment for me because four months earlier we were at this same spot helping this community flatten this hill.  The Haitians did most of the work, but we worked alongside of them and played with the kids.  (If you are interested in reading more about that trip, follow this link:

Since that time, they have started a nutrition center for 35 of the neediest kids in the area.  These kids also get a basic elementary school education.  It, along with the good news about Jesus, has brought hope to the community.  By their own testimony they speak of how this community was disconnected and neighbors were often afraid of each other.  Unfortunately, this has much to do with their practice of Voodoo.  However, as one witch doctor passed and another came to know God's son, Jesus, the community began to change.  Now they sing together, look out for one another, and have a hope that was never their before.  It is such a blessing to be a small part of that miracle.

Continue to check back through out the week as we process all that God did there and have more of an opportunity to share through this blog.


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Testimony of a Witch Doctor

Hello fellow citizens of America, I am on my way home as I blog. Except the fact, that I have one more story to tell. Last night a woman named Madam Lixon came and shared her testimony with us.  Her husband was a witch doctor, and when he died Madam Lixon took his place and became a female witch doctor (not unheard of) and carried on the trade. She told us that witch doctors enact in spells, sacrifices, and every so often healings. Jean Jean also testified to this saying that it was true. She also said that she regrets everything that she used to do and witness. She explained that after many years of voodoo that she saw that it was wrong and turned to Christ. She called on Jean Jean and Christy to help her burn down the two houses of worship that she owned. They complied and helped her burn everything. Now, she lives in the light of Christ. I hope that you enjoyed this testimony as much as I did. Be home soon. - - - - - -  Brittany King

For those from Trinity Church who went to Haiti last year, this is the same Madam Lixon that we prayed for!  It took a few months, and many prayers, but she is free from the fear she felt in her practice of Voodoo.  She is now attending the church pictured below.  That is the hill we help level out in November.  :)   All praise and glory go to our God! - - - - -  Joel King

Friday, February 21, 2014

Newest Nutrition Center

Hello people of America, this is your very young and able missionary blogging. The other day I was fortunate to be able to go to the newest nutrition center that the Mompremiers have founded. It is in a very remote area, which is only accessible by walking.  It wasn’t as nice as the others, but is a work in progress. This nutrition center consists of one sheltered kitchen, (just big enough to have the large bowls of food, and a person dishing them out), and one larger sheltered area that the kids are able to use for, services and as a shelter for them to eat under.  This nutrition center hosts 35 kids at the moment, but is about to take on many more.  At this nutrition center I was surprised to see that more than a few of the kids have minor abnormalities. Such as one girl that I met that was 7 years old but the oldest of 4 children.  She lost one hand though when she was 5.  She lost it while working at a sugar cane mill. Someone called to her and she turned to answer and her hand became caught in the sugar cane press. The only way to get her arm out was to amputate it. Now she has learned to use her one hand to guide and help her family, as well as her community. ---------------- Brittany King

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Going to School

Hey guys, so today I got to go hangout at the new elementary school, near one of the nutrition centers.  I was shown around by one of the fourth graders named Kaline (in picture); she is the middle child in a family with 7 kids. She was only one of many though that I meet in families with many kids. Another thing that I noticed was that some of the kids showed signs of malnutrition who had just started at the school. Some of these symptoms are red hair and bloated bellies.  The kids are at school for a range of 3-5 hours, during this time they have many classes like, language arts, math, world history and Physical Education. I was able to meet all of the teachers, (that all spoke English, thank God) and was able to talk to them about what they teach and what brought them to the elementary school. Many of the stories that I heard told how they prayed to God for help with finances, and jobs. They told me that these jobs were the best thing to happen to them in their time of poverty and distress.  This showed me that everyone no matter where you are or come from, are always heard by God through prayer.
                                                              Brittany King

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


The last few days I got to sit in on the inner workings of the ministry of UCI.  This organization has a unique structure in that all day to day decisions of the ministry is made by a local Haitian Board and accountability to vision and financial stewardship is handled by an American Board.  In this way, the ministry reflects the needs and wants of the Haitian people, while at the same time, makes sure the help that many all over the world send is used according to the highest standards of accountability.  Though Brittany didn’t sit in on all the meetings between these two boards, she did get a peek at the administrative part of being a missionary which is extensive.

We left the coast today.  As you can see it is beautiful.  The problem is that Haiti is in such shambles not only from the earthquake, but because of the depth of poverty that most folks don’t want to vacation here.  The potential is there, but it is unrealized. 
After about a three hour drive we arrived at UCI.  The country views were beautiful, but they are tempered by the homes all along the way that look like they are barely standing, as well as many people who sit idly because there is little work to support one self.  Most Haitians live on less than $2.00 a day.  There is hope though, and that is why we are here.  Tomorrow, I will start some vocational training for pastors who have had none.  Brittany will start her day at the UCI school which now feeds and educates hundreds of students.  In the afternoon, the plan is for her to visit a nutrition center that is in its very beginning stages.  She will see firsthand what it was like before JeanJean and Kristie Mompremier arrived as missionaries and brought hope to a hopeless people.

Please continue to pray!  
Joel King

Monday, February 17, 2014

Praise God

Hey Brittany here, I'm finally feeling better and am now able to enjoy Haiti.  With god's help, I was able to raise all the money to get here and the final total was $2213.00, and I only needed to raise $1500 for my personal expenses.  Im excited that the rest of the money is going to be used for the nutrition centers.  I don't know how exactly yet, but once I see a need at the centers we can make a plan to use it so it makes the biggest difference. 
                                                      Brittany King

We have wifi!

Finally we have the chance to post to the blog.  Wifi here is hard to come by, and even when it is available service is spotty.  Even now the it is impossible to post anything other than text.  We have arrived safely to Haiti.   Brittany has been a little sick but nothing too serious.  She is already  feeling better.  Hopefully, the connection will be better here in the next couple of days and we can give a more detailed report and post pictures.  For now let me thank you all for your support and prayers .  We already feel the anticipation of a very fruitful trip.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Haiti or Bust!

Hi everybody, I'm on my way to Haiti right now. I hope you are praying for this trip to go smoothly, and to make it so that we will be leaving a lasting impression of the Lord. This is my wish though for the people who will be praying, to pray from the heart for these people we are going to serve. This trip is for them as much as it is for me. I mean, I'm doing this for a school project, for the experience, but they live like this everyday.  I just hope that I will leave a lasting impression of the Lord on these people.
                    Brittany King

Monday, January 6, 2014

I'm Going Back to Haiti!

On February 15th my dad and I will be traveling to Haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere.  In my public jr. high school there is a major project that needs to be completed by all eighth graders.  The project must either represent a college or a career you may be interested in.  You may be surprised to find out that I chose to do my project on the career of a missionary.  I chose this because of my past missions trip experiences which have impacted me greatly.   One of the trips that impacted me the most is when my whole family went to Haiti in the summer of 2009 when I was only nine years old.  I was able to use my own money to purchase a goat for a family in need (See the "Brittany Gives A Goat" video below).  At that moment I was hooked on serving others. Their happy faces and the knowledge that the goat actually made a measurable difference in the health and financial provision for their family touched my heart.  I know that there are many families in the world like that one, and I can’t think of doing anything better with my life than helping more families like them.   
I am not only required to research and write a paper (which I have already done), but I am also required to give a twenty minute presentation on a field experience with the career.   It has been my hope ever since we returned from Haiti to go back, see my Haitian friends, meet new ones, and get the chance to serve again.  Now I have a unique opportunity to not only return, but to share that experience with others at my public school.  Most of all I am hoping that the experience will help solidify God’s call on my life to be a missionary, and clarify who he wants me to serve and how he would like me to serve.

One of the things very close to my heart is serving children.  It breaks my heart to see the little toddlers that I work with at my church cry, let alone to think of the many children who need just basic sustenance in Haiti.  I hope to once again see up close and personal the great needs of the children in Haiti in a community that is still unreached.  I also hope to meet and build relationships with people in that community, brainstorm ideas and solutions for starting a nutrition center in that community, and then implement a plan to finance and support a nutrition center which will address the great needs of that community.